Influencer Complaints

Influencer Complaints

Here's the thing about my followers: I see them as my friends, my community. I trust their judgement and for the ones who have stuck around for quite some time, I know they'll always give it to me straight.

I think to find success in this industry as an "influencer", you have to have many things, and wear many hats; but two things I always push to the top of my list are:influencer Complaints

1 / The willingness to evolve with the thought of "I can always do better"
2/ The ability to hear your audience, which goes beyond just listening

So in the spirit of always working towards that success, I like to take to Instagram every once in a while and ask for my followers' input. This week, I decided to ask them two questions and was blown away by how valuable my followers' answers were...

What are you tired of seeing from influencers?
What do you wish you saw more of?

Seemingly inauthentic partnerships

  • Excessive amounts of random sponsored products that I don't think they even actually use
  • Obvious product placement
  • Too many ads
  • Undisclosed ads
  • Promoting brands that they clearly don't use IRL
  • The same sponsored content
  • Making #ad/sponsored super small text on stories

Unrealistic or unaffordable things

  • Things I can't afford
  • Stuff I can't afford and they can only afford because they are gifted the product or service
  • Vacations paid for by brands
  • Overpriced stuff
  • Unrealistic fashion (either because the outfit is $$$$ or not functional)
  • Only super expensive clothing!
  • Designer brands that very, very few people can actually afford on the reg
  • Ridiculously unaffordable stuff

Lack of originality

  • Same style from every girl! Switch it up with affordable things
  • The same content and lack of creativity
  • When so many influencers post the same content. Like sales & certain places
  • Lack of originality
  • I see the same pieces everywhere!
  • All wearing the SAME things! Where's the unique style?
  • Not tired of seeing just HEARING everyone say "I'm so obsessed"

Too much push on sales

  • All the try on hauls...but then they never actually wear any of it again
  • "Shop this, shop that" in every single post
  • Posting about stuff just to get sales and not actually liking the product
  • Overselling and too many brands...makes me not trust them

Inauthenticity & lack of relatability

  • Fake questions for interaction purpose or things that seem fake/not authentic
  • Over-edited storied where it is no longer relatable including stickers GALORE
  • People being after numbers only
  • The fake crap. I want to see the bad, the good and the ugly. I love when it's real so I can relate
  • Perfect pictures

Unengaging or bag content

  • Flat captions. I hate captions that are like "New top. Linked on LTK"
  • Simple in front of a wall photos
  • Low quality pictures
  • Product Shots
  • Rants about things that don't really matter
  • A lot of talking, not enough showing (clothes, products, etc.)


I then asked my audience what they wish they saw more often

The answers fell into the four categories on the chart, for the most part! Some other answers:

  • More genuine conversation
  • More natural pictures
  • Positive things happening in the community or real world
  • Real bodies
  • Social issues
  • More community over competition 
  • Support of small businesses
  • Community work
  • Self-care tips
  • More mistakes
  • Helpful blog posts, beyond just outfit photos

Influencer Complaints


So, whether you're reading this post as a fellow influencer or a reader, where does that leave you?

This poll was probably my most valuable one to-date, and such a great learning tool for me personally.
Hope you were able to take away some insight too! 

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