2023 Vision Board

My 2023 Vision Board & Intentions for the New Year

I think that naturally, most of us associate the new year with "a fresh start" or "a clean slate" with the intention to wipe away all of the goals we didn't meet from the year prior and start anew. But here's the thing - I don't believe in resolutions because I think they set us up for unnecessary failure (more thoughts here).

Instead, I find the most personal growth when I focus on my goals as a conscious practice; objectives and intentions that I'm continuously working to meet rather than a list of things I'm trying to "resolve".

I actually had so much fun setting up my 2023 vision board. This isn't something I've ever personally done before but taking the hour to myself to find imagery that makes me happy and aligns with my goals and intentions really put me in a positive mindset to continue working on my goals this year. Every photo and saying on this board has a personal meaning to me; some obvious, others not so much from the outside looking in, but they all make me eager to see what's in store for the year ahead.

My Intentions for 2023

+ Spend more time in the moment

+ Prioritize organization

+ Celebrate the simple things

+ Journal (I recently got this journal and can't wait to use it)

+ Focus on fewer, better things

+ Read more

+ Find a balance between self care and selflessness

+ Romanticize life

+ Embrace simplicity

+ Fuel my body with things that make me feel good

+ Practice mindfulness

Here are some of the images I used to source my 2023 vision board!
