I Got an Evoke Treatment & Here Are My Results

It's okay to want it, as long as you know you don't need it

I blame TikTok for wanting a snatched jawline 🤪. Our beauty standards have most definitely evolved with the existence of social media and to be honest, there are definitely times when I question whether it's all just too much. On the flip side though, I am huge proponent of doing what makes you feel good and if part of feeling good also translates to looking good, you do you girl!

With all of the cosmetic procedures and Instagram filters floating around, it's important to remember that none of these treatments (Botox, fillers, lasers, etc.) are a need. I think that can be easy to forget sometimes.

Just a little (but nonetheless important) reminder as you read posts like this, or watch you favorite bloggers on Instagram getting their skincare treatments.

Everything you need to know about the Evoke treatment

When I first heard about Evoke, my interest was piqued because of one stand-out factor...it was non-invasive. Pain free, with no needles and no downtime. Too good to be true? Surprisingly, no...

Evoke by Inmode is a non-invasive facial remodeling technology that deploys radio-frequency energy to lift and tighten skin. Over time and with consistent application, the radio-frequency energy internally remodels and restructures skin and fat tissue in targeted areas like cheeks, jawline and the under-chin (submental) area. Hence, that snatched jawline.

I visited my favorite team over at Pincus Plastic Surgery to give the Evoke treatments a try in hopes of tightening up my under-chin area and giving my jawline a little extra definition. (Dr. Pincus also does my Botox; you can read all about my first-time experience here!)

Truly, it wasn't until I compared the before and after photos a few months after my treatments that I truly realized how much Evoke had done for my face and I'm so excited to break down everything you need to know about the Evoke treatment in today's post.

Evoke treatment

Evoke Treatment Procedure: My Experience

The Evoke facial applicators are kind of like an awkward helmet (not uncomfortable, just awkward). What's great though is that they're hands free; once they are fitted to your face, you can sit back and relax while you're receiving the treatment.

Evoke can treat two main areas of your face: cheeks/jowls/jawline and under-chin. I opted to treat both areas, which had to be done separately (there is a different device used for each treatment area).

Nicole first applied a clear gel (think ultrasound gel) to my treatment area, and then helped position the applicator so that it fit snugly to my face, allowing the radio-frequency to be delivered over the course of 30 minutes. The applicators are hooked up to a larger machine where she programmed the treatment. Once everything was all set, she dimmed the lights, pressed start, and I got to just take it easy for the next 30 minutes (which was actually so nice).

I watched Netflix, scrolled on Instagram, and before I knew it, I was ready for the next treatment area. Nicole positioned the next applicator, started the program and we repeated the process, allowing me to be in and out in just over an hour. You can see my treatment in action on my Evoke story highlight.

Evoke treatment

How long is the Evoke treatment?

Evoke treatments on a single area last anywhere from 30-45 minutes, which your provider will determine based on your needs. Nicole determined that 30 minute treatments for both areas would be ideal for me.

What does it feel like? Does it hurt?

I say that Botox is no pain, but this is truly NO pain (not even a pinch). Once the treatments are started, you'll feel a warm sensation on your skin as the device delivers the radio-frequency (it kinds of feels like a warm towel on your skin). Although everyone is different, at no point did it feel too hot for me or to the point of even being slightly uncomfortable.

In order for the devices to work properly, they do need to sit tight on your skin. I found the cheek/jowl device to be the most awkward, because it kind of smushes your cheeks together (major cabbage patch kid vibes). Again, not uncomfortable, just a little awkward!

How many sessions of Evoke do I need?

Your provider will recommend anywhere from 3-6 sessions spaced about one week apart, depending on your needs and the current condition of your skin. I received 3 treatments for both areas.

When will I see results from Evoke?

Your skin will immediately look and feel visibly tighter for about 24 hours following each Evoke treatment. After that initial 24 hours, your skin will return to normal and the radio-frequency will start to work deep in your skin over time to stimulate collagen production and destroy fat. It almost felt like a mini face-lift when I was finished with each treatment, which was nice!

You'll continue to see incremental changes over the course of your treatment, and your final results will be visible a few weeks after your last treatment.

How long do the results from Evoke treatments last?

After the initial series of 3-6 weekly Evoke treatments, single-session maintenance treatments are recommended a few times per year (similar to a Botox schedule).

What is the cost of Evoke?

On average, one full (multi-session) Evoke treatment for a single area costs around $2,000, while treating both areas will run you about $3,000. Of course, pricing depends on your area and your provider! You can see a 2022 breakdown of Pincus Plastic Surgery's latest prices here.

Does Evoke work for everyone?

No. In some instances, if skin is very mature or there is a lot of excess fat tissue, there's just no way around a good ole' face lift. Evoke is meant to treat skin laxity, jowls or double chin, but of course, there is a point where your practitioner may deem that Evoke may not be the ideal choice for your circumstances. A consult is always the way to go!

Why not Kybella?

Kybella is a widely recognized injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in your under-chin area using Deoxycholic acid. The main difference between Kybella and Evoke is that Kybella involves injectables, and Evoke does not.

Kybella can also carry a lot of downtime, including soreness and that "bullfrog-like" swelling under chin. In addition, the number of treatments needed and whether it will work for a given patient can be a hit or a miss.

When I asked Nicole whether she recommends one over the other, she said that hands down, she prefers Evoke because of its effectiveness as a completely non-invasive treatment. On the flip side, I have also talked to a handful of you who have had good experiences with Kybella, so if you're trying to decide between the two, my recommendation is to talk to your practitioner about both and see what they recommend.

For me, in any situation, I would feel most comfortable choosing the non-invasive route (and I was glad I did!).

Had you tried any other similar jawline treatments prior to Evoke?

Nope! I've always been very cautious when it comes to any type of procedures involving my skin (I've had one facial in my life 😱 and just recently started getting Botox). This was the first time I have ever tried any type of laser/radio-frequency.

My takeaways

When I put my before and after photos next to each other, I was shook. Looking at yourself in the mirror every day, seeing the same face, it was honestly hard for me to see any major changes. At first, I thought, did my jawline look slimmer? Maybe, but was it just the angle or shadows?

When I took my after photo and pulled both pictures up side by side my jaw dropped and that's when I realized how effective Evoke was for me!

Evoke was easy (almost too easy) and with no needles, no downtime and these results, it's definitely a treatment I would recommend to friends and family.

If you're in the NY area, you must see Dr. Pincus and his team. They are absolutely wonderful; phenomenal at what they do and the welcoming environment they create for their patients is unsurpassed. Pincus Plastic Surgery is located right in Smithtown, Long Island.