5 Skincare Products Worth Trying
I've been asked why I don't talk a lot about skincare on the blog, and the answer is simple: I'm not a skincare junkie, and I like what I like.
Of course, I'm always open to trying something new, but ultimately, new skincare products and crazes are something I've always treaded lightly around because, well - it's my skin.
Call me crazy, but I've never even had a facial! I love the idea behind cleaning out my skin and giving it a refresh but to be honest, all of the products - masks, peels, toners - sound like overkill (on the contrary, I know several people who swear by once-a-month facials, and I'm all for it if it's something you love!)
I have my core products that I've been using for years, and some newer ones that have made their way into my skincare routine through recommendations + reviews. Today, I'm sharing 5 skincare products worth trying that have become staples in my beauty routine.
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No1: Good Genes by Sunday Riley
Notoriously one of the highest-reviewed lactic acid treatments out there, I added Good Genes to my skincare regimen this past Spring after a glowing recommendation from a friend. I hadn't quite found that one product yet that tackled both moisturizing (without excess oil) and fine lines, and figured I'd give it a try because she absolutely swore by it.
Before using this product I had no idea what lactic acid was and to be honest, a little skeptical about the "acid" part. I learned that in short, lactic acid stimulates cell turnover on the surface of the skin...aka, it exfoliates dull, pore-clogging dead skin cells, revealing smoother, fresher, younger-looking skin.
The first time I put it on, I was hooked before it even had a chance to do its job. My skin felt immediately supple and hydrated, without feeling oily. After continued use for about a week and a half to two weeks, I saw a noticeable difference in the fine lines on my forehead (which are the bane of my existence). After a few months now, my skin feels and looks noticeably brighter, more even and smoother. It's not cheap by any means ($105 for 1 oz.), but you can take advantage of SephoraVIB sales and promo and buy it that way. Seriously give this one a 10/10 guys!
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No2: Herbivore Coconut Oil
It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of Herbivore. I've been using their products forever (which includes one of my favorite sea mists for my hair) and love that they have dedicated their skincare line to all-natural, clean ingredients.
For me, regular moisturizers don't quite do the trick so I instead use a coconut oil after-shower or when my skin is feeling a little dry. What a world of a difference it makes...seriously. And of course, you get the added deliciousness that is the smell of anything coconut.
Herbivore's hydration oil comes with a convenient pump, which makes application super easy. A little goes a long way and I find that this oil doesn't feel sticky or overbearing while still doing its job. I use this stuff every day and definitely recommend!
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No3: Patchology Poshpeel Foot Treatment
Patchology is another skincare brand I'm really fond of (love their 5-minute FlashMasques) and after saving this for a rainy day for what seems like forever, I finally recently gave the Poshpeel Foot Treatment. To use the PoshPeel, you pour each pack of treatment into two booties, which you slide on your feet and let sit for an hour. After removing the treatment and rinsing off...you wait.
2-3 days after the treatment, ALL of the dead skin on your feet will magically start to peel (and I mean all of it). It's the grossest/most satisfying thing to witness, but ultimately leaves your feet feeling completely resurfaced, free of calluses and suuuper smooth.
Give your feet about 3-5 days of downtime once they start to peel (aka, you're not going to want to be in sandals) and at the end of your shower, use a coarse brush to help speed up the exfoliation process. This treatment is so.cool. - you'll be grossed out, but try it!
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No4: Mario Badescu Rosewater Facial Spray
I don't have much to say about this Rosewater Facial Spray, other than the fact that I literally take it everywhere with me, and use it all throughout the day. I am addicted to Mario Badescu's Rosewater spray (and I've totally gotten Joe hooked, too).
This spray is simply a refreshing, hydrating rosewater that helps to bring your skin back to life and give you a bit of a pick-me-up. It's great for sensitive skin, and especially useful if your skin is prone to dryness.
It comes in both a travel size (great to keep in your bag) and a full size and will literally be your new favorite thing if you haven't tried it yet!
Shop it here
No5: Dr. Masks
When it comes to masking, Dr. Jart+ is my go-to for a quality mask that acutally does its job and never irritates my skin. I've pretty much tried out the entire line of Dr. Jart+ masks, and have yet to be dissapointed.
This winter, I gave his rubber masks a try for the first time and immediately loved them. What's different about the rubber masks versus the traditional masks is that they are a two-step process that starts with an ampoule pack (aka a small packet of highly concentrated serum), followed by the mask itself.
Guys - these masks deliver. I love them all but I personally see the most noticeable, immediate difference after using Bright Lover. Also love that these masks are only $12 a pop, which is a fantastic deal for the results you'll get!