#PositivePractice: Why I Don't Believe in Resolutions
It's that time of year again where we take a look in the mirror and ask ourselves who we want to be and what we want to accomplish in the new year.
I'm already seeing them everywhere...New Years resolutions; a checklist of things to 'resolve' with a vehement intention of starting 2019 off on the right foot.
But here's the thing. I don't believe in "resolutions". By definition, a resolution is the process of resolving; the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter. Our resolutions present themselves as problems that need to be fixed (not eating healthy, need to fix it; spending too much time on social media, need to fix it)...but what happens when we can't "fix" those problems? They subconsciously become even bigger ones.
What I DO Believe In
I think it's important to flip the underlying negative connotation that comes with a resolution, and instead look at our goals as a conscious practice; objectives we continuously work to meet (not just every year on January 1).
In turn, when we encounter a bump in the road, we're able to smooth it out as we continue practicing what we set out to do, instead of feeling like we failed when it can't be fixed.
What do you think? Could you get on board with this mindset?
Recap of My Last #PositivePractice
Read the post: #PositivePractice: Setting Your Daily Intention
A few months ago, I set out to form a new habit of setting a daily intention. Spoiler alert...intentions were definitely not set daily. That being said, in the handful of times each month that I took the time to set an intention, I saw an unwavering shift in my mood and outlook for that day.
I found that I often set intentions on the days when stress and anxiety was high, and that they helped bring me back to a more balanced and level-headed state. Definitely something I plan to continue to do.

This Month's Practice
Being Present
I am THE definition of a creature of habit. I wake up, go to work (day job), come home, go to work (blog), go to sleep, and repeat. Of course, there's the in between, but those 5 points are the major focuses of every single one of my days, typically 6-7 days a week.
When I'm working, I'm 100% IN what I'm doing, and given the fact that work takes up my days and my nights, that means I'm 100% OUTof reality and home life.
Over the holiday, I made the decision to shut down in all aspects and be present with my family. The first day I found myself reaching for my phone, but after that, I never looked back. It opened my eyes to what I had been missing and taught me a few valuable lessons that I'm going to consciously work to not lose sight of.
Of course, I knew I was going to have to reconnect, but this time, my goal is to reconnect to work/blog/social media without disconnecting from my personal life.
My Personal Process
My career work hours are what they are: 9-6, I'm here and work is my focus.
From 6 on, however, I'm working on taking the main focus of my night off of my blog, and instead breaking up my night to include things like cooking dinner, slotting in time for a workout, self-care, and spending time with Joe before we hit the pillow.
I'm following a loose schedule of sorts so that everything can happen but still makes sense. For example, I'll cook and get a workout in before Joe comes home, work on the blog while he works out (which is always right when he gets home) and then take time for self-care, relaxing with Joe after that.
Whereas before, I would sit up working on my blog until 11 (Joe would already be in bed and sleeping), I'm going to put a cap on it, and it's going to be damn hard to do.
Tips for Being Present
+ Identify the moment - take a minute to check in with yourself and assess where you're at.
+ Reduce distractions - put your phone down, hide it, whatever you need to do! (mine is my biggest distraction)
+ Find balance between flowing and planning - schedules are important, but it's okay to stray
+ Prioritize what's best for your mental and physical health, like treating yourself, spending time with family, etc.
SO...thoughts? Do you feel like you need to practice being present or do you feel like you've found your balance? If you have, I'd love for you to share your tips!